Terms of use

Our terms of use apply to the use and operation of our Brussels-jobs.be website, to the options offered and to any agreements entered into in this context.

By using our website, posting vacancies & CVs, registering or communicating via our site, you agree to our terms of use. Our terms and conditions are regularly updated. You can always find the latest version here on our website.

We are an online platform with the aim of connecting job seekers and employers in the Brussels area. The paying packages can change at any time, both in terms of price and services offered.

The minimum age for using our websites is 18 years.

These conditions are valid since July 1, 2021. They are frequently amended and you can always consult the latest version here.

The user accepts that these conditions will be the only ones applicable, to the exclusion of his own general or specific (purchase) conditions, even if they stipulate that they are the only ones applicable.

We have a transparent privacy policy. You can consult this under the privacy section of our website. By registering on our website you give us permission to keep and process your personal data. By registering on our site and accepting our terms and conditions, you agree that we may use your email address to send you newsletters, offers and other mailings from Brussels-jobs.be.

Brussels-jobs.be is a concept of JOBCONCEPTS.BE (conceptfabriek commv – company number 0635.884.686). Conceptfabriek commv is not responsible for the selection of candidates and is not at any time an intermediary between candidates and a company or employer.

It is prohibited to approach partners of our website to offer or promote their own initiatives. Collecting personal data via our website is also expressly prohibited.

By registering on our website you are obliged to provide correct personal information. We will carry out random checks to check the authenticity of your data to provide our visitors with a safe surfing environment.

It is prohibited to create different accounts in order to circumvent certain limits.You can register for free.

Brussels-jobs.be accepts no liability for damage resulting from the provision of services or from tort or otherwise, insofar as this is permitted under mandatory law. No employment contracts are concluded via our website. We only offer an online platform and therefore have no legal role as an employment mediator. We bear no responsibility whatsoever for the legality of the vacancies offered. Since our website will not perform any intermediary task, we are also not subject to the obligation to obtain prior permits for recruitment offices.

Brussels-jobs.be and conceptfabriek commv bear no liability regarding the conformity of the assignments with the regulations of the Associations. The acceptance and publication of an assignment by Brussels-jobs.be does not under any circumstances imply confirmation of the conformity of the offered assignment & content with the professional obligations.

Brussels-jobs.be and conceptfabriek commv bear no liability regarding the application or non-application of the regulations regarding the protection of the title and the profession. The titles mentioned in vacancies and descriptions of the vacancies are entirely the responsibility of the employer (submitter of the vacancy or assignment).Every employer must treat all stakeholders in an objective, respectful and non-discriminatory manner and may not prepare or publish advertisements that could give rise to discrimination.

Brussels-jobs.be and conceptfabriek commv can never be held liable for a dispute between the parties. All users agree that Brussels-jobs.be and conceptfabriek commv cannot be considered a recruitment agency.The employer must respect the personal privacy of the employees and only request and use data that belong to the personal privacy with the permission and in the interest of the employee in the context of his professional involvement and in compliance with the regulations concerning the processing of personal data and the free movement of such data.

Assignments and profiles can always be deleted by the partner in the dashboard. As well as the personal data. The registration can also be stopped at any time.

The duration of the appearance of the assignments and profiles depends on the chosen formula. These terms are constantly changing depending on supply and demand.All publications are screened by our team. We have the right to refuse publications that are not in accordance with our rules and vision. There should be no accountability for this. In the case of paid publications, the employer will be informed of the reason for refusal.

Under no circumstances does screening of publications imply checking compliance with legal provisions in the broadest sense. By placing publications you bear all liability for this.

Brussels-jobs.be and conceptfabriek commv bear no responsibility for the content and legality of your publications.

The photos uploaded with the publications must be free of rights and meet our photo guidelines. We are in no way liable if the uploaded photos do not comply with the publication rights. The partner remains liable for this, even with paying publications. Under no circumstances does the acceptance and publication of a publication by Brussels-jobs.be imply the assumption of liability in this domain.We have the right to use or reuse your uploaded photo material in the context of our promotional purposes (social media, website, online advertisements, printed media, flyers, etc.) without attribution and/or prior notice.

Objects that conflict with the intellectual property rights of others, such as copyrights, design rights, trademark rights, domain name rights, etc., are not accepted on Brussels-jobs.be. It is also prohibited to use logos of trademark holders in a publication.The content of the publications comes from the partner, who guarantees the accuracy of the data, the authority to offer assignments, etc. Approval of the publications by Brussels-jobs.be does not imply agreement with their content or legality under any circumstances.

With regard to the paid packages and options offered by Brussels-jobs.be, all stated prices are always exclusive of VAT and all other taxes required to be borne by the customer.

We offer no guarantee regarding permanent or secure access to the websites, despite the precautions we take.

It is prohibited to include disclaimers that legally limit the legality of a publication. It is also prohibited to refer to other websites that offer a similar service.

The sellers are expected to know the laws and regulations that apply to the products they want to sell and/or buy. Sellers must check, in accordance with the applicable laws and regulations, whether these may actually be traded.

Posting sexually explicit content that is prohibited by Belgian law will be immediately blocked. If a violation of this directive is determined, access to this data will be blocked immediately and the competent authorities will be notified. The same arrangement applies to hateful, vulgar, racially tinged, ethnically irresponsible, discriminatory or other material that falls under this heading.Under the conditions set out in these terms of use, Brussels-jobs.be grants users a limited, personal, revocable, non-exclusive, non-sub-licensable and non-transferable right to access and use the services offered and the website.

The user is responsible for keeping his login details confidential.

Brussels-jobs.be reserves the right to change the user’s login details if it deems this necessary in the interest of the safety and/or protection of the users. The user is fully responsible and liable for all actions he or she performs using this website. Brussels-jobs.be and conceptfabriek commv cannot guarantee that the website will be accessible uninterruptedly and without interruptions or disruptions. Brussels-jobs.be is in no way liable or liable for damages to the users for any damage arising from or resulting from the (temporary) unavailability or failure of the services.

The database of our website can be regarded as a database within the meaning of Article 1 opening words and falls under the database law, Act of 31 August 1998 transposing into Belgian law the European directive of 11 March 1996 on the legal protection of databases (BS 14.11.1998). Conceptfabriek commv is the producer of this database and in that capacity has the exclusive right to grant permission for the use of data from this database. The user may only use data from the database to the extent that use is permitted under these terms of use and for the performance of the services.Complaints about the operation of our websites can be submitted via our contact form. Complaints must be clearly described and justified.The user is responsible for keeping his login details and the use of his password confidential. Your password is stored encrypted, so Brussels-jobs.be has no access to your password.

CV database

Registered job seekers can create/upload a CV page for free. This indicates that they are available to be contacted by registered employers. Job seekers can take their CV offline or delete it at any time.

Brussels-jobs.be & conceptfabriek commv bear no liability whatsoever with regard to the content and/or legality of the CVs and the stated professional qualifications. We only offer a platform to easily connect job seekers and employers.

By creating and uploading a CV, job seekers declare that they are aware of the fact that search engines may be able to crawl their data and that their data may therefore appear in search engines.

This is despite the fact that Brussels-jobs.be & conceptfabriek commv will not make any name and/or contact details visible to non-registered visitors.

Employers will be able to view a protected version of the CV (without contact details and name, but with any profile photo). Only employers with a paid package will actually be able to view contact details.

Despite setting the CV pages as no-index for search engines, CVs and attachments may still be found by search engines. The user declares to be aware of this through the use of our platform. Brussels-jobs.be & conceptfabriek commv cannot be held liable in any way if personal data were visible to third parties.

If any provision of these Terms and Conditions is declared invalid, illegal or void, this will in no way affect the validity, legality and applicability of the other provisions.Failure at any time by Brussels-jobs.be or conceptfabriek commv to enforce any of the rights listed in these Terms and Conditions, or to exercise any right thereof, will never be seen as a waiver of such provision and will never invalidate its validity. affect these rights.

We may change these conditions at any time without further notice.

The user accepts that electronic communications and backups can serve as evidence.Belgian law applies, with the exception of the provisions of private international law on applicable law and of the Rome I Regulation on international sales contracts for movable property.

In the event of any disputes, the courts in Ghent have exclusive jurisdiction.

Illegal crawling of our website

Unlawful crawling of our website (and our vacancies in particular) is prohibited and constitutes a legal infringement that will be prosecuted.Any unlawful reproduction of one or more vacancies on another job platform or website by means of a crawler or manual action will give rise to the collection of a penalty of €250 per day (that the vacancy was posted on another platform) and per vacancy. This without prior notice of default.Our log files with the IP address of the crawler in question serve as evidence. In the event of such a dispute, the courts in Ghent have exclusive jurisdiction.